What is Motivation in Management - Definition Process & Types || Employee Motivation Techniques || Principle of Motivation || Motivation of Theories

Motivation works to minimize the difference between a person's ability to do work and performance. It is a psychological energy that motivates individuals to achieve the objectives of the organisation.  You are very much welcome on your medium of knowledge blog.

Meaning and Definitions of Motivation:

    Meaning of motivation:-  Management is a nascent subject and an important task of management, keeping in view the origin of new ideas related to motivation and its expansion of work, thinkers have defined it in different ways. In the words of Bas (Luthans), today every person has his own definitions in relation to the motivation of the general public and scholars. 
    Motivation in the general sense is an internal desire or feeling that motivates an employee to work towards achieving predetermined goals. Some of the main definitions of motivation are as follows:-

    Definition of motivation 

    1. According to Stanley Vance:  “Any such feeling or desire which changes the will of a person in such a way that that person becomes motivated to act is called motivation. 
    2. In the words of Koontz & O'Donnell : "Motivation is to encourage people to act in a desired manner."
    3. According to Mefarland -  Motivation is basically a psychological concept. It is concerned with an employee or those forces acting in him which induce him to do or not to do any work in a lawful manner.  
    4. William G. According to Scott (William G. Scott)  Motivation refers to the process of motivating people to act in order to achieve desired goals.  
    5. According to William Glueck, “Motivation is that internal state which keeps human behavior acquired, flowing and active”.
    Conclusion: Thus, from the study and analysis of the above-described definitions, it is clear that motivation is that important function of management, which studies the feelings, desires, needs, etc. of individuals and tries to satisfy them, so that the person is ready to work. Provides maximum contribution to achieve the goals of the organization.

    Characteristics of Motivation :

    Keeping in view the various definitions of motivation  Following are the main features of  

    1. It is a continuous process.  
    2. It is a psychological concept.   
    3 It is the satisfaction of human needs.  
    4. Motivation should be done only with human resources could.  
    5 There are different methods of motivation. 
    6. Motivation is not the cause of satisfaction but the result.  
    7. It increases the working efficiency of the individuals.  
    8 Motivation is different from morale.  
    9. In motivation the whole person is motivated. Not a part of it.   
    10. It is both a cause and a consequence of managerial success.

    Motivation need and importance:

    Human being is a living and active resource in various means of production, through motivation, man can be kept active and dynamic. If human resources are motivated and ready to work, then the best use of other means of production and the achievement of the goal of the organization becomes easily possible. That is why it is absolutely necessary to motivate every employee of the enterprise. Keeping in view the importance of motivation,
    Rensis Likert considered it as the heart of management. 
    Motivation is related to the human aspect, through motivation, the efficiency of individuals is increased and efforts are made to satisfy them. If the employees of an enterprise are not motivated, then their ability and efficiency will decrease continuously, that is why Allen has written that insufficiently motivated people destroy the effect of a strong organization. (Poorly motivated people can nullify the soundest organization.)  

    1. Helps in achieving determined goals:

    Motivation is very important to achieve the set goals and objectives of any organization. Motivation motivates the employees to do those tasks by which the goals of the organization can be achieved. Despite the availability of abundant financial resources, high and quality goods, best and modern technology and other resources with the organization, it is difficult to achieve the goal of the organization in the absence of motivation. Keeping this fact in view, Allen has rightly written that inadequately motivated employees also destroy the effect of a strong organization

    Motivation is very important to achieve the set goals and objectives of any organization. Motivation motivates the employees to do those tasks by which the goals of the organization can be achieved. Despite the availability of abundant financial resources, high and quality goods, best and modern technology and other resources with the organization, it is difficult to achieve the goal of the organization in the absence of motivation. Keeping this fact in view, Allen has rightly written that inadequately motivated employees also destroy the effect of a strong organization. 

    2. Increase in job satisfaction
    By creating interest in the work to be done by the employee through motivation, by analyzing the importance and utility of his work, of the employee.
    Job satisfaction can be increased. If the employee's interest in the work is not awakened, then he will not be enthusiastic about the work. Not only this, an employee compares his benefits with the benefits received by other people and if he gets more benefits in comparison, then he feels satisfaction about the work, through motivation this need of the employee is fulfilled. It tries to satisfy the employee through fulfillment and increases the job satisfaction level through various financial and non-financial factors.


    (Increase in job satisfaction):

    3. Utilizing Resources

    (Proper utilization of resources):

    It is necessary to motivate the employees for efficient use of human resources of the organization. A skilled worker, if not motivated, has the same efficiency as an unskilled worker. By developing the abilities of the employee with motivation, they can be utilized for the good of the organization. A motivated employee gives priority to the interests of the organization over individual interests.

    4. Increase in Morale:

    Morale is the name of willingness to work, motivation fulfills the needs of the employee and he gets mental satisfaction. As a result of mental satisfaction, the behavior and attitudes of the employee become favorable to the organization, due to which the desire to do more work awakens in the employee and his morale increases.

    5. Build good labor relations:

    Motivation emphasizes that the worker is essentially a human being. Therefore, he should be treated with respect humane motive, mutual cooperation and trust develops between the managers and the employees, which reduces the grievances, frustration, frustration, strike, lockout etc. of the employees and good labor relations are established.

    6. Reduced employee absenteeism & turnover:

    Motivated employees are satisfied with their work and environment. They give their positive support in achieving work and goals, which reduces employee absenteeism. Motivated employees remain in the organization permanently, which also reduces the labor turnover rate. Thus a good and sound motivational system can reduce employee absenteeism and turnover.

    7. Basis of managerial functions:

    Motivation is necessary for carrying out various functions of management such as planning, organization, coordination, direction, control, etc. If employees are not motivated, they will not perform these basic functions of management properly. In the words of Breech "the problem of motivation is the key to management action."

    8. Facilitates changes:

    Generally, the employees have a negative attitude towards the changes, they oppose the changes due to their negative attitude. Through motivation, it is easy and easy to convert this negative thinking of the employees into positive thinking. As a result, the employee readily accepts the rapid technological changes, content changes, etc. in the present time.

    9. Development of group spirit

    (Development of team spirit):

    Employees are satisfied and benefited by the implementation of motivation and a sense of affection, cooperation and harmony develops among them. The generation of these feelings creates group feeling in the organization, which helps in achieving the objectives of the organization.

    10. Rise in the reputation of the institution

    (Enhance corporate image):

    The organization which keeps its employees satisfied and happy, the reputation of that organization in the business world gets increased. Employees like to work in an organization where efforts are made to make them happy by fulfilling their needs and desires. Employees of other institutions are also eager to work in such organizations.

    11. Keys to Practical Management

    (Key to behavioral management action):

    E.F.L. In the words of Breech, “Motivation is a key to practical management and is an important function of management in execution. Implementation of motivation is essential in all managerial functions. Only by the implementation of motivation, managerial functions can be accelerated.”


    Techniques of Motivation

    Various practices and techniques are used to motivate the employees. From the point of view of study these techniques can be divided into two parts:

    A. Financial techniques:

    Financial techniques play an important role in employee motivation. Management thinkers have unanimously recognized the importance of financial techniques. Financial techniques are concerned with money or economic motivation. It is a well-known fact that along with the basic needs of the individual, it is also possible to fulfill social and luxury needs with finance. Therefore, financial techniques are very important for motivation.

    Financial techniques include high salary increment, share of bonus benefits, pension, gratuity, insurance, provident fund contribution, special increment etc.

    B. nonfinancial technology

    (Non financial techniques):

     Unique techniques of motivation with money or money
    There is no relation. These techniques are psychological. Which helps in fulfilling the feelings and desires of the person. Non-financial techniques can be both individual and group. Individual unique techniques may include personal contact, promotion, growth opportunities, job expansion, etc. Group discussion, participatory conferences and meetings, group training etc. can be included in group nonfinancial techniques. Some of the major nonfinancial techniques are described in detail as follows:

    1. Post and Service Security
    (Status & Job security):

    Service security is provided to the employees by making them available on a permanent basis. Providing service security frees the employee from the risk of retrenchment, discharge, etc., and it becomes easier to motivate him. Similarly, the employee wants to get higher posts and wants to retain the present post. Motivation can also be done by providing this facility.

    2. Praise & Honor

    On successful completion of their responsibilities by the employees within the stipulated time, their

    This is done so that their interest in work increases and dullness decreases, work change increases the experience and psychological development of the employees.

    3. Group discussion

    Under group discussion, current affairs are discussed with a particular group or group of employees. In this, all the employees get an opportunity to express their views and get a chance to know the views of other people. This method increases the confidence, morale and knowledge of the employees.

    4 Growth Opportunities
    (Opportunity for development)

    Employee Development Opportunities
    They [can] be motivated by providing them with ample opportunities. For this, proper arrangements should be made for the educational training of the employees by the institute. and challenges

    (Competition & challenges) Many employees of the institute are qualified and efficient.

    Despite this, they do not work with full dedication. Healthy competitions should be organized to motivate such employees, employees break the previous records of the organization and put their efforts to create a new record and want to select Vijayshree in the competition. Similarly, some employees take pride in accepting the challenges, the goals of the organization and the tasks assigned to them, to motivate them.

    Public praise should be given and they should be respected at appropriate occasions. Praising and respecting employees increases their self-esteem, confidence and morale. Appreciation and respect can be expressed to the employees by giving thanks, promotions and certificates etc.

    5. Participation in Management
    (Participation in Management)

    Employees can be motivated by participating in important tasks, goals, strategies, policy making and decisions. Participation makes the employee more responsible and creative and the sense of belonging towards the organization increases. By participating in decisions, the employees become bound by the decisions, due to which the goals of the organization are easily achieved and the employee also feels proud of himself.

    6. Effective leadership & Supervision

    Respectful attitude towards human beings under good leadership, interest in solving their problems and good behavior with them in observation work, which brings sweetness in labor relations. Good leadership arouses interest in employees towards work. The role of supervision is important for employee motivation. A good supervisor builds informal relationships with the employees through his human behavior and practical and cooperative supervision, which increases the interest of the employees towards the work and the enthusiasm towards achieving the goal.

    7. Delegation of authority

    It is not enough to merely assign responsibility to an employee, but he should be given sufficient authority to fulfill this responsibility. Higher officials can motivate their subordinates by delegating authority to them. Delegation of authority instils confidence in the employees, encourages them to work and increases the efficiency of subordinates.

    8.Job expansion & alteration:

    Job expansion and job change is a useful way to motivate employees. In this, instead of assigning one task to one person, many tasks are assigned to the group, due to which the employees also establish social relations while performing the task. In job change, the work of the employees is changed in a certain time interval so that their interest in the work increases and there is a decrease in the monotony.

    9. Competition and Challenges
    (Competition & challenges):

    Many employees of the institute, despite being capable and efficient, do not work with full dedication, healthy competition should be organized to motivate such employees. Employees work hard to create a new record by breaking the previous records of the organization and want to select Vijayshree in the competition. Similarly, some employees take pride in accepting challenges, to motivate them, the goals of the organization and the tasks assigned to them are presented as challenges.

    10. Healthy Environment
    (Healthy Environment):

    Due to having a healthy environment at the work place, the employee remains satisfied and the satisfied employee takes interest in working hard and diligently for the undertaking, so the working conditions in the organization should be good. Not only this, an employee


    Theoris of Motivation :

    1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory:

    This ideology of motivation was propounded by psychologist Abraham H Maslow in 1943. This ideology is based on the belief that human needs are infinite and he is ready to make efforts to satisfy those needs. According to Masons, if it is known that which employee's need is unfulfilled, then the person can be motivated by fulfilling that unfulfilled need. This ideology is one of the best ideologies of motivation. According to Maslow, every individual has a sequence of five needs, which are as follows:
    What is motivation? Maslow's ideology

    1. Physiological needs

    Physiological needs of man
    There are requirements. The fulfillment of physical needs is necessary to maintain the existence of human life, these needs are considered to be the most necessary, effective and powerful, which man wants to fulfill in every situation. These needs include food, clothing, shelter, sexual contact, clean air, sunlight, etc. As soon as these needs of man are satisfied, then these needs do not motivate him.

    2. Safety needs

    the origin of protective needs physiological
    It happens after the needs are met. When a person is afraid of future physical or mental distress, he wants to secure his future. The main reason for the emergence of these needs is the assurance of security against future economic, physical and mental crises. These can include means of lifelong income, insurance, pension, provident fund etc.

    3. Love or Belonging Needs

    Human being is a social animal, being social, he wants to get his respect, position, prestige in the society. He aspires for mutual affection, love, affinity, friendship etc. in his life. When such aspiration arises in a person then it is his social or need of affection. This need arises after the physiological and protective needs are satisfied to an appropriate level. If the individual's kinship or social needs
    If he is not satisfied, then he becomes ready to protest, non-cooperation.

    4. Esteem or Ego needs

    After the satisfaction of social needs, the needs of ego and self-esteem of the individual arise. In this need, the person starts desiring position, prestige, recognition, prestige, independence, decision-making rights etc. in the working institution. In these needs, the person wants to prove himself important. Some of these needs of the person are satisfied and it is possible that some needs may not be satisfied even for life. Only a person having special ability and ability can fulfill this need. This need of ordinary people usually remains unsatisfied.

    5. Self actualisation needs

    According to Maslow, this is the last requirement in the hierarchy of needs. The need for self-development refers to the need of the individual, in which a person wants to become what he can become, that is, he has the capacity and ability for him. The need for self-development in man arises because of the creativity, ability and abilities within him, when a person awakens the hidden powers within him and wants to be everything. When it is stimulated by the feeling of what he can become, then this need motivates man to act. This need is not the result of any lack or lack or dissatisfaction, but it arises automatically to enhance the suppressed abilities, Maslow has written describing the need that a musician should make music, a painter should paint, A poet should write poetry if he wants to be ultimately happy. Anyone who can become a man must become one."

     Herzberg's Two Factor Theory

    Psychologist Frederick Herzberg is considered to be the exponent of the two-factor ideology. He and his colleagues researched about 200 engineers in the Psychological Service Pittsburgh and after knowing about their work, they presented this ideology. is where he works. The factors that affect this environment, Hajberg referred to them as health or health factors.

    These factors do not motivate the individual but prevent him from becoming dissatisfied i.e. they are necessary to maintain the satisfaction of the employees. The motivational component is required after the health component. Motivational factors work to provide satisfaction and motivation to the employees. 6 components have been identified in these components.

    1. Hygiene factor: 

    The following are the main components identified by Herzberg as health components:

    1) Company Policies

     2) Administration of the organization

     3) Working Conditions

     4) Supervision



    2. Motivational Factor:

    These components are the components related to the work. These are also called as the components of satisfaction. According to the findings obtained by Herzberg and his colleagues, the following points can be included in the motivational component:


    2.Recognition & Honor

    3. Development

    4. Responsibility

    5. Personal Development

    6.Nature of Job

    3. 'X' and 'Y' Theory of MeGregor

    The 'X and Y' ideology of motivation was propounded by author and psychologist Douglas McGregor in his book Human Side of Enterprises. McGregor has presented two conflicting ideologies in relation to human attitudes and behavior in this ideology. He classified the working people into 'X' and 'By' groups on the basis of their perception of the work. In these, he named the ideology with negative beliefs as 'X' and the ideology with positive beliefs as 'Y'. According to McGregor, on the basis of these assumptions, the attitude of the employees can be studied and motivated.

    (1) 'X' ideology

    The X ideology presents a negative and depressing attitude towards the employees. This ideology, being based on the traditional concept, emphasizes on controlling man. The main assumptions of this ideology in relation to the employee group are as follows:

    1. An average employee is naturally lazy and wants to do the least amount of work, that is, he considers the work as a burden and wants to avoid it.

    2. These people like to stay away from responsibilities.
    3. They oppose change and prefer to work in traditional ways.

    4, They are generally not ambitious, lack of creativity.

    5. The employee is self-centred or selfish and has little attachment to the organization.

    6. To get them to work, they are resorted to by punishment, punishment, torture.

     7. These employees work for economic and financial benefits.

    (2) 'Y' theory:

    The 'Y' ideology is the exact opposite of the X ideology, it presents a positive attitude towards human resources. It considers positive and responsible roles in the work environment as the main basis. The main beliefs regarding this ideology regarding employees are as follows.

    1. Employees consider the work to be done naturally and easily.

    2. They welcome new methods and changes and want to adopt them.

    3. They are ambitious and accept responsibility.

    4. These employees are imaginative and creative. They are self motivated and self controlled.

    5. These employees want to make maximum use of their potential and ability.

    6. They do not work only for the fulfillment of basic needs, but work for self-respect and self-confidence.

    7.These employees are based on their ability and ability.
    want to make use of.

    8. They do not work only for the fulfillment of basic needs, but work for self-respect and self-confidence.

    The 'X and Y' ideology of motivation was propounded by author and psychologist Douglas McGregor in his book Human Side of Enterprises. McGregor has presented two conflicting ideologies in relation to human attitudes and behavior in this ideology. He classified the working people into 'X' and 'By' groups on the basis of their perception of the work. In these, he named the ideology with negative beliefs as 'X' and the ideology with positive beliefs as 'Y'. According to McGregor, on the basis of these assumptions, the attitude of the employees can be studied and motivated.

    (1) 'X' ideology

    The X ideology presents a negative and depressing attitude towards the employees. This ideology, being based on the traditional concept, emphasizes on controlling man. The main assumptions of this ideology in relation to the employee group are as follows:

    1. An average employee is naturally lazy and wants to do the least amount of work, that is, he considers the work as a burden and wants to avoid it.

    2. These people like to stay away from responsibilities.
    3. They oppose change and prefer to work in traditional ways.

    4, They are generally not ambitious, lack of creativity.

    5. The employee is self-centred or selfish and has little attachment to the organization.

    6. To get them to work, they are resorted to by punishment, punishment, torture.

     7. These employees work for economic and financial benefits.

    (2) 'Y' theory:

    The 'Y' ideology is the exact opposite of the X ideology, it presents a positive attitude towards human resources. It considers positive and responsible roles in the work environment as the main basis. The main beliefs regarding this ideology regarding employees are as follows.

    1. Employees consider the work to be done naturally and easily.

    2. They welcome new methods and changes and want to adopt them.

    3. They are ambitious and accept responsibility.

    4. These employees are imaginative and creative. They are self motivated and self controlled.

    5. These employees want to make maximum use of their potential and ability.

    6. They do not work only for the fulfillment of basic needs, but work for self-respect and self-confidence.

    7.These employees are based on their ability and ability.
    want to make use of.

    8. They do not work only for the fulfillment of basic needs, but work for self-respect and self-confidence.



    III. William Ouchi's Z theory:

    The credit for propounding this ideology of motivation goes to the American manager Prof. William G. Goes to Auchi. He described this ideology in his book Theory 2 How American Business can meet the Japanese Challenge, which was published in 1981. Pro. Audhi wrote this book after studying the management system of many big companies of America and Japan and presented the findings from this study and research under the name 'Z' ideology.

    The Z ideology is based on a comparative study of Japanese and American management. It incorporates the good qualities of Japanese and American companies. Pro. Ochi originally highlighted those characteristics of Japanese management in this school of thought, due to which it is considered superior to American management.

    Pro. According to Auchi, the basic basis of Japanese management is trust, subtlety and intimacy, according to them these three elements are motivating components.

    1. Life time employment:

    Pro. According to Auchi, the employees should be given employment for life, once selected in the Japanese institute, even during the recession, the company does not lay off any personnel or forcefully leave. Organizations retain their personnel even after incurring losses. This makes the employees loyal and loyal to the organization.

    2. Slow evaluation & promotion

    Aandhi said in his findings that Japanese managers believe that productivity is the result of collective efforts and not on the basis of individual achievement. How does it motivate the group? It is also worth mentioning here that Prof. According to Audhi, parallel promotion should be done at the place of promotion. Japanese managers generally do not remove a person from employment and believe that 12 years is too short a period to assess the merits / demerits of any person. They do the first job appraisal of their employees after a long service of about 10 years.

    3. Career path

    In Japan, there is not much emphasis on the expertise of managers. This ideology believes that the career path of employees should be determined on a non-specialized basis. In Japan, it is an effort that the manager understands the functions of all the departments, so that there is a policy of change of work.

    4. Emphasis on humanity:

    This ideology makes it clear that managers
    Full attention should be paid to the employees. They should not limit the attention of their employees to the workplace only. Managers should take care of the employee as well as his family, his interests, aspirations etc. and should always treat the employee with humaneness.

    5. Collective Decision Making
    (Collective decision making)

    This ideology emphasizes the fact that the employees of the organization should be made participants in decision making. For this, while taking decisions, the employees of the organization should be consulted, advice and suggestions should be sought from them, which decisions are related to the employees and directly affect them, the collective decision-making process should be resorted to for the decision.

    6. Human Resource Development
    (Human resource development)

    According to this ideology, human resource development should be planned in order to inculcate passion and enthusiasm towards the work in the employees. Need. The way for the development of subordinates can be paved through work promotion and work prosperity.

    7. Informal control

    In the Z ideology, efforts are made to control the employees of the organization through informal control methods by building informal relationships with them. For this, managers should emphasize on the spirit of trust and cooperation in their subordinates.

    Thus it is clear from the above description that the Jand ideology presents a new approach to motivation. The basic element of this ideology is mutual trust, affection and cooperation.



    principles of motivation

    (Principles of Motivation)

    There are certain principles to be followed in motivating the employees. The main principles are the following.

    1. A sense of security should be inculcated among the employees. 2. Employees should be made aware of their achievements.

    3. They should be praised and recognized for their work. 4. A sense of affinity towards the organization should be inculcated in the employees.

    5. Employees should be given opportunities for growth and development.

    6. Provide efficient leadership of employees.

    7. Employees should be treated humanely.

    8. Religious, moral and social views of the employees should be welcomed.

    9. Adequate attention should be paid to the suggestions of the employees.

    10. Employees should be given adequate participation in the policy making of the organization.

    11. Team-spirit should be created in the organization.

    12. Employees should not be let down.

    13. Efforts should be made to make the work interesting.

    14. The personal existence of the employee must be acknowledged.

    15. Employee should make use of the development of internal suppressed powers.

    Motivational Objectives

    (Objects of Motivation)

    The basic purpose of providing motivation is to motivate the people to act. Apart from this, there are many other purposes, they are the following:

    1. Motivating the employees to work.

    2. Getting the cooperation of the employees.

    3. Satisfying the needs of the employees.

    4. To build and strengthen good human relations in business.

    5. Strengthening the morale of the employees.

    6. To improve and maintain the efficiency of the employees.

    7. Providing job satisfaction to the employees.

    8. To make good use of human resources.

    9. Achieving the goals of the organization. 




    Arjun Singh

    नमस्कार दोस्तो, मेरा नाम अर्जुन सिंह है, मैं अभी बी.कॉम से ग्रेजुएशन कर रहा हूं । मुझे लेख लिखना बहुत पसंद है इसलिय में ये ब्लॉग बनाया है, मेरे ब्लॉग पर आने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद!

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