What is Douglas McGregor's X and Y Management Theory - theory x and theory y examples

McGregor's 'X' and 'Y' ideology

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    (MeGregor's Theory X and Y) Prof. Douglas McGregor is well-known as a psychologist as well as a management consultant and author. He wrote a book titled: 'Human Side of Enterprise'. In this book, he presented two sets of assumptions about people at work. McGregor has addressed one set of beliefs as 'X' ideology and the other group as 'Y' ideology. He believed that the thinking and behavior of the managers in relation to the working people are influenced by these beliefs.

    It is noteworthy that 'X' ideology presents a pessimistic or negative view of human nature and behavior whereas 'Y' ideology presents a positive and optimistic form. Both the ideologies are being discussed in the next few pages.

    What is X Theory

     The 'X ideology' has a depressing and negative attitude towards human behavior. This ideology is based on the following assumptions regarding human behavior:

    Theory X :

    1. The first assumption is that a normal person is by nature lazy. He does not like to work and wants to postpone work. He wants to do as little work as possible.

    2. Generally the employees do not want to work. Therefore, they have to be harassed, intimidated, punished or controlled to force them to work.

    3. There is a lack of aspiration or desire in a normal person and he wants to avoid responsibility and likes to work only under the direction of others. 4. A normal person is relatively less ambitious.

    5. A layman seeks job security or a guarantee of employment before everything else from work.

    6. A normal person is by birth self-centered or self-centered and is not concerned with the needs of the organization. 7. He is by nature opposed to changes.

    8. He is very gullible, not very clever. So people easily become successful in provoking or inciting him.

    Conclusion of X Theory : 

    In this way, this ideology considers human to be sluggish, lazy. This ideology also believes that the common man tries to avoid responsibility and work. The managers who believe in this ideology keep a tight control over the employees, keep all the authority with themselves and keep monitoring the work of the employees at every step. Such managers keep strict discipline on the employees, they do not give any importance to the opinion or views of the employees.

    Evolution Theory X :

    (I) This ideology strikes on the human reputation, because this ideology considers a common person to be lazy and lazy.

    (ii) This ideology negates human needs and feelings. There is no place for them in this.

    (iii) This school of thought is also based on the mistaken belief that individuals tend to avoid obligations while the reality is that everyone accepts and fulfills obligations under appropriate circumstances.

    (iv) This ideology considers the responsibility of the managers to use the resources for the fulfillment of the objectives of the organization.

    (v) This ideology is based on the mistaken belief that if the work of the employees is not interfered, they will become a hindrance to the objectives of the organization.

    (vi) This ideology believes in getting the employees to work out of fear and punishment. (vii) It inspires the managers to become autocratic.

    (viii) This ideology emphasizes on the external nature of the human being, negates his inner being.

    (ix) This ideology has considered man as only economic man, which is not right. 

    (x) It is based on the traditional concept of human behavior, hence impractical in the present era.

    In short, this ideology expresses the view that some managers do not motivate the employees to get the work done but force them to work hard with sticks. Such managers can be found even today. Even after years of research and changes in human behavior, there has not been any difference in the functioning of some such managers, but now this ideology is not generally adopted.

    What is Y Theory

    Theory Y :

    The 'Y' ideology is the exact opposite of the appropriate 'X' ideology. This ideology is influenced by positive and optimistic thinking about human beings. The main beliefs of this ideology are as follows:

    1. Generally no person dislikes work or becomes a slacker. Every person takes the work as easily and naturally as he takes up the activities of sports, leisure or leisure, but the condition is that the environment of the organization is proper.

    2. When employees are committed to the task, they themselves direct and reward themselves. Work cannot be done by external control, discipline, fear and punishment.

    3. Generally people think that they will be rewarded for being committed to the work.

    4. A normal person has high-level needs i.e. social, self-respect and self. may be driven by development needs.

    5. A normal person not only knows how to accept and fulfill the responsibility but also demands more responsibilities. He does this because it satisfies his higher level needs.

    6. Generally, imagination and creative power are found in all people, from which they find their own solutions to their problems. These powers are not monopolized only by the managers.

    7. In modern industrial conditions the intellectual abilities of the average human being are being utilized only partially.

    contribution of mcgregor theory x and y 

    Contribution or Merits – These beliefs of 'Y' ideology provide managers with a new approach towards human behavior. This ideology stresses the managers to adopt a positive attitude towards the abilities and behavior of the employees. This ideology employees Emphasizes on having minimum control and direction. This ideology does not consider any difference between the objectives of the employees and the organization. On the contrary, this ideology holds that whatever is in the interest of the employees is also in the interest of the organization. In short, this ideology is a practical ideology. This ideology is praised for the following reasons: 

    (i) It helps in safeguarding human honour.

    (ii) This ideology considers man to be a rational and creative animal 

    (iii) This ideology emphasizes on understanding human importance to the managers. 

    (iv) It emphasizes on establishing a democratic system in the institution.

    (v) This ideology does not consider institution and individual objectives to be different.

    (vi) This ideology accepts the importance of self-control and introspection. 

    (vii) This ideology considers the holistic form of man. It considers not only its economic aspect, but also its social and mental aspect.

    (viii) This approach makes it clear that the manager himself, along with the human resources of the organization Responsible for efficient use of all resources.

    (ix) Employees can complete all the tasks easily if the manager provides them leadership in the right direction.

    (x) Employees can be committed to the achievement of objectives if the manager proper coordination can be established between and rewards.

    Demerits/Limitations—The 'Y' ideology also has some limitations. Therefore, it is also criticized for the following reasons:

    (ii) This is not a new ideology, but the old prevailing ideologies have been written in a new form.

    (ii) This ideology considers human behavior to be more simple than necessary, whereas in reality it is not.

    (iii) In this, human is considered to be very responsible and creative, whereas a normal person is not so creative and responsible.

    (iv) It is often difficult to create suitable conditions for exercising human creativity and discretion.

    (v) McGregor has considered work as a motivator which is not proper. The reason is that action alone cannot provide motivation.

    (vi) A criticism is also made that an employee does not become good or bad only by thinking and obeying the managers.

    Conclusion of X and Y Theory :

    Finally, in conclusion, we can say that both these ideologies of McGregor are contradictory and imaginary. Behavior Such beliefs are not always fulfilled, so they have little practical importance in this form. The manager should find his way out between these two conflicting situations, motivating the employees and getting them to work.

    Arjun Singh

    नमस्कार दोस्तो, मेरा नाम अर्जुन सिंह है, मैं अभी बी.कॉम से ग्रेजुएशन कर रहा हूं । मुझे लेख लिखना बहुत पसंद है इसलिय में ये ब्लॉग बनाया है, मेरे ब्लॉग पर आने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद!

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