What are Techniques for Motivation of Employees - motivational techniques in the workplace

What are Employee Motivation Techniques 

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    20 Techniques of Motivation

    Various practices and techniques are used to motivate the employees. From the point of view of study these techniques can be divided into two parts:

    A. Financial techniques:

    Financial Techniques play an important role in employee motivation. Management thinkers have unanimously recognized the importance of financial techniques. Financial techniques are concerned with money or economic motivation. It is a well-known fact that along with the basic needs of the individual, it is also possible to fulfill social and luxury needs with finance. Therefore, financial techniques are very important for motivation.

    Financial Techniques Include high salary increment, share of bonus benefits, pension, gratuity, insurance, provident fund contribution, special increment etc.

    B. nonfinancial technology
    (Non financial techniques):

    Unique techniques of motivation with money or money
    There is no relation. These techniques are psychological. Which helps in fulfilling the feelings and desires of the person. Non-financial techniques can be both individual and group. Individual unique techniques may include personal contact, promotion, growth opportunities, job expansion, etc. Group discussion, participatory conferences and meetings, group training etc. can be included in group nonfinancial techniques. Some of the major nonfinancial techniques are described in detail as follows:

    1. Post and Service Security
    (Status & Job security):

    Service security is provided to the employees by making them available on a permanent basis. Providing service security frees the employee from the risk of retrenchment, discharge, etc., and it becomes easier to motivate him. Similarly, the employee wants to get higher posts and wants to retain the present post. Motivation can also be done by providing this facility.

    2. Praise & Honor

    On successful completion of their responsibilities by the employees within the stipulated time, their

    This is done so that their interest in work increases and dullness decreases, work change increases the experience and psychological development of the employees.

    3. Group discussion

    Under group discussion, current affairs are discussed with a particular group or group of employees. In this, all the employees get an opportunity to express their views and get a chance to know the views of other people. This method increases the confidence, morale and knowledge of the employees.

    4 Growth Opportunities
    (Opportunity for development)

    Employee Development Opportunities
    They [can] be motivated by providing them with ample opportunities. For this, proper arrangements should be made for the educational training of the employees by the institute. and challenges

    (Competition & challenges) Many employees of the institute are qualified and efficient.

    Despite this, they do not work with full dedication. Healthy competitions should be organized to motivate such employees, employees break the previous records of the organization and put their efforts to create a new record and want to select Vijayshree in the competition. Similarly, some employees take pride in accepting the challenges, the goals of the organization and the tasks assigned to them, to motivate them.

    Public praise should be given and they should be respected at appropriate occasions. Praising and respecting employees increases their self-esteem, confidence and morale. Appreciation and respect can be expressed to the employees by giving thanks, promotions and certificates etc.

    5. Participation in Management
    (Participation in Management)

    Employees can be motivated by participating in important tasks, goals, strategies, policy making and decisions. Participation makes the employee more responsible and creative and the sense of belonging towards the organization increases. By participating in decisions, the employees become bound by the decisions, due to which the goals of the organization are easily achieved and the employee also feels proud of himself.

    6. Effective leadership & Supervision

    Respectful attitude towards human beings under good leadership, interest in solving their problems and good behavior with them in observation work, which brings sweetness in labor relations. Good leadership arouses interest in employees towards work. The role of supervision is important for employee motivation. A good supervisor builds informal relationships with the employees through his human behavior and practical and cooperative supervision, which increases the interest of the employees towards the work and the enthusiasm towards achieving the goal.

    7. Delegation of authority

    It is not enough to merely assign responsibility to an employee, but he should be given sufficient authority to fulfill this responsibility. Higher officials can motivate their subordinates by delegating authority to them. Delegation of authority instils confidence in the employees, encourages them to work and increases the efficiency of subordinates.

    8.Job expansion & alteration:

    Job expansion and job change is a useful way to motivate employees. In this, instead of assigning one task to one person, many tasks are assigned to the group, due to which the employees also establish social relations while performing the task. In job change, the work of the employees is changed in a certain time interval so that their interest in the work increases and there is a decrease in the monotony.

    9. Competition and Challenges
    (Competition & challenges):

    Many employees of the institute, despite being capable and efficient, do not work with full dedication, healthy competition should be organized to motivate such employees. Employees work hard to create a new record by breaking the previous records of the organization and want to select Vijayshree in the competition. Similarly, some employees take pride in accepting challenges, to motivate them, the goals of the organization and the tasks assigned to them are presented as challenges.

    10. Healthy Environment
    (Healthy Environment):

    Due to having a healthy environment at the work place, the employee remains satisfied and the satisfied employee takes interest in working hard and diligently for the undertaking, so the working conditions in the organization should be good. Not only this, an employee.

    11. Job Rotation :

    Any person gets bored while doing the same type of work for a long period of time and dislike of the work arises. That is why the manager changes the work of the employees to motivate them. In job change method, employees are assigned one task after another in a systematic manner over a reasonable period of time (after days/months). This gives an opportunity to each employee to do different work and remains interested in his own work. For example, an employee in a car manufacturing company is employed for a month or two to fit the front bumpers of cars. After that, he is removed from this work and put on the task of installing headlights of cars and later he is put on the work of installing windshields in cars. In this way, after a few days/months, his work keeps on changing and the motivation towards the work remains in him.

    12. Job enlargement – ​​Job enlargement method suggests each employee to get many related tasks (three-four tasks) done at the same time instead of one job. This will give him the opportunity to do different types of work every day and interest and motivation towards the work will remain intact. It is worth mentioning that even after entrusting many tasks, his work load and responsibility remains the same as it should be. For example, an employee in a car company is given the task of installing bumpers only in cars at a time. In such a situation, he always does the same work throughout the day By extension, he gets the work of installing bumpers, headlights and headlights in cars every day. In this way he will do three things a day. This will keep him interested in the work. But it is worth mentioning that if earlier he used to do the same work on 100 cars then he will be asked to do all the three works only on 33 cars.

    It is worth mentioning that both job change and job extension are different methods. In job change, each employee performs only one job at a time whereas in job extension method, each employee performs more than one (3-4 jobs) simultaneously. Thus the principle of division of labor is fully followed in the first method. Whereas in the second method it is partially followed.

    13. Vertical structure or design of tasks is done under the work enrichment method of job enrichment. As a result, more rights and responsibilities/challenges are assigned to each employee. With more rights and responsibilities/challenges, the employee gets opportunities for more knowledge, experience and development, which ultimately increases his honor, respect and remuneration. Due to this, the work becomes more interesting, motivating and beneficial for the employee. It is worth mentioning that due to job enrichment, the rights of the employee increase. The employee has the freedom to plan, decide and execute his tasks. He also has complete control over the resources required for his work. In this way he is completely independent from the planning and execution of his functions. As a result, the employee is motivated and is able to produce more and better work results.

    14. Praise – This is an important method of motivation. It satisfies the feelings of the ego. The efficiency of a person can be increased to a great extent by giving praise. Therefore, whenever an employee does a good job, he must be praised. Similarly, whenever a person acts wisely and courageously, he should be praised. Appreciation is often expressed by saying 'thank you', 'well done' to the employees, by giving a pat on the back, by giving a salary increase, by promotion, by providing additional benefits, by giving citations.

    15. Delegation of authority - Many scholars express the opinion that employees can also be motivated by delegation of authority. According to Flippo, “Delegation of rights and responsibilities often proves to be an important motivation for doing something.” In this, the employee can establish control over his work environment.

    can be given respect, which satisfies his ego spirit. Sometimes this type of competition manager can organize healthy competitions among his subordinates.

    16. Competitions - Every person wants to compete with each other. Managers can organize healthy competitions among their subordinates. Respect can be given to the winner of the competition, which satisfies his ego. Many times this type of competition is organized. This is a very commonly used method of motivating employees.

    17. Participation – Employees can be motivated by giving them a share in important decisions of the organization and in policy making. This method of motivation is becoming increasingly used nowadays. By sharing, the employees become more responsible and creative and a sense of belonging towards the organization is developed.

    18. Job-satisfaction – The important function of managers is to generate satisfaction from the work among the employees. It is estimated that man spends one-third of his working hours on work. Therefore, it becomes necessary that the work should be made more attractive and interesting, so that the employees get satisfaction in doing the work.

    19. Feeling of accomplishment Managers should develop a sense of accomplishment in the employees. For this, the managers should provide more work freedom to the employees, provide them information, opportunities to set their goals. Provide and explain the importance of the work to them. Employees should be provided with an opportunity to develop a sense of performance.

    20. Responsibility Some scholars are of the opinion that people can also be motivated by assigning more responsible work. More responsibilities strengthen the position of the employee in the organization, which gives motivation to the employee.

    21. Cooperation organization consists of many persons. If there is mutual cooperation among those people, then all those people will automatically be motivated to do more and more work. In this way, if the manager has a cooperative behavior towards his employee, then the employee will definitely get the motivation to do more work. If there is no co-operation of the manager, then the subordinate will also not work.

    Arjun Singh

    नमस्कार दोस्तो, मेरा नाम अर्जुन सिंह है, मैं अभी बी.कॉम से ग्रेजुएशन कर रहा हूं । मुझे लेख लिखना बहुत पसंद है इसलिय में ये ब्लॉग बनाया है, मेरे ब्लॉग पर आने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद!

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