What is Leadership Skills and Qualities - Leadership Qualities in Management

Qualities of a Successful Leader :

5 characteristics of a good leader,leadership qualities list,10 characteristics of a good leader,15 qualities of a good leader,characteristics of a great leader,traits of a great leader,

Top 20 Characteristics of a Good Leader :


    1. Sound health :

    A leader should have good health and a fit body. It is said that a healthy body resides in a healthy body. He should be physically capable and energetic to perform his tasks. If the health of the leader is not good then he will feel difficulty in completing his tasks.



    2. Sharp intelligent : 

    For the success of the leader, it is absolutely necessary for him to be intelligent. Only when the leader has a sharp intellect, he is able to solve problems with patience and seriousness even in difficult situations. Many studies have concluded that the leader is more intelligent than the followers.

    3. Self confidence & willpower

    A skilled leader should have self-confidence and will power. A leader who has confidence is also successful in winning the trust of others. LF Urwick has rightly written that in order to get the complete trust of the followers, there must be self-confidence in the leader.



    Someone has rightly written that the first step to success is confidence. In the absence of will power, no leader is able to succeed in achieving his goal. With strong willpower, even difficult and difficult tasks can be made easy.



    4.  Vitality & Tolerance


    A skilled leader should have self-confidence and will power. A leader who has self-confidence is also successful in winning the trust of others. LF Sardik has rightly written that in order to get the complete trust of the followers, there should be self-confidence in the leader. Somebody has rightly written that the first step to success is self-confidence. In the absence of will power, no leader is able to succeed in achieving his goal.


    Due to strong willpower, even difficult and difficult tasks can be made easy and tolerance refers to working patiently and taking decisions in difficult situations. A leader should always be alert and maintain his patience even in the face of objections and difficulties, then only he can guide his followers properly.


    5. Sound Character :

    The character of a leader should always be inspirational. If the character of the leader is weak, it will be impossible for him to influence the followers. It is also said that if character is lost, everything is lost. Therefore, the leader should always be of high character.



    6. Capacity to take Decision :

    For an effective leadership, the leader should have exceptional decision-making ability, a leader has to choose the best option from the available options keeping in mind the present and future circumstances to solve a problem. The leader makes this selection on the basis of his vision and decision making ability. In the absence of the ability of the leader to understand the circumstances and take timely decisions accordingly, the goals of the enterprise cannot be achieved.

    7. Teaching and Technical Ability :

    A leader should have the ability to observe the actions of his followers, find their faults and make necessary corrections in them. The leader should have the ability to calm the curiosity of his followers and give good guidance, the leader should also be aware of the procedures, technical knowledge, rules and laws etc. Will get



    8. Motivational Ability : 

    A leader should have the ability to motivate his followers to work according to the set goal, he should understand the interests, thoughts, feelings, needs etc. of his followers and should be able to satisfy them so that he can motivate his followers.




    9. Foresightedness :

    A good leader should be a visionary. After forecasting the future, he should plan and implement it accordingly. Changes are so rapid in the present time that the leader who works by anticipating these changes gets success easily.



    10. Human approach and capacity to build human relation :

    A successful leader should treat his followers in a humane manner. The main function of a leader is to guide his followers and take desired action from them. Therefore, he should have full knowledge of his followers' interests, feelings, abilities, shortcomings, etc. Not only this, he should know very well how the economic, social, mental needs of his followers can be fulfilled. Only on the basis of the above mentioned facts, a leader is able to establish best human relations.

    11. Sense of responsibility :

    A leader should have a sense of acceptance and fulfillment of responsibilities. A leader who wants to stay away from responsibilities sometimes makes a skilled leader. The leader cannot become because of his position, because the authority is fulfilled, but along with the rights, the responsibilities also increase.

    12. Team spirit :

    A leader should give priority to collective interests rather than individual interests, he should always emphasize that individual interest lies in the achievement of organizational goals. If the leader sacrifices the interests of the group for his own interests, he can never become a good leader.

    13. Sociable and Tactful : 

    A leader should be friendly and tactful. He should have the spirit of living in harmony with people and behaving with love, he should take it only after pleasing his followers as much as possible. For this, the leader has to change his lifestyle and conduct behavior.




    14. Empathy :

     - To understand facts and situations from the point of view of others is called empathy. It is very important to have this quality in a hero. He should know their opinion about the followers instead of imposing every thing, plan, action desire etc. on the followers. He should respect the feelings and thoughts of his followers. He should understand their expectations and ideas well and give adequate attention to them. The hero who does this will always be able to predict the results of his actions and plans correctly in advance and he will not have to face failure.

    15. Objectivity :

     A Leader should also have the quality of objectivity. He should do his work on the basis of facts and information. He should not act out of personal attachment, favoritism, temptation, fear, pressure or prejudices. His every decision and action should be on a prudent and rational basis.

    16. Maturity :

    Leader should be mentally mature. He should have the ability to understand and fulfill the responsibility. While talking to excited employees and other parties, the entrepreneur should maintain mental balance and introduce a successful and mature person.

    17. Alertness :

    Leader should be alert and alert. In the modern competitive era, achieving success in the operation of the enterprise is not an easy task. Therefore, he should keep on monitoring the activities of his competitors and the latest inventions and trends with caution and alertness. If he does not have such natural alertness, his success remains doubtful.

    18. Imaginative :

    Imaginative power is an important mental quality, which is necessary to be found in every entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs themselves through imagination Makes a plan to innovate and establish and operate the enterprise in the mind and decides to act accordingly.

    Leader makes his ambition strong only on the basis of imagination. and leads to greater achievement. Andrew Carnegie, a famous American scholar has said that "A person who is not imaginative, who does not aspire to progress and who does not lead his life towards a high goal, that man can never be successful and neither can he". Sometimes you can get help from other people only."

    But the wings of the imagination should not be planted, but its feet should be fixed on the earth. That is why Arthur Alps has written that "the ambitions of only the man who is brave can be successful.

    19. Honest : 

    Leader should be honest. To follow the saying "Honesty is the best policy" Need. Any entrepreneur may earn some profit in the short run by doing dishonest and undesirable work, but only honest entrepreneurs are successful in the long run. In other words, "the wooden pot does not rise again and again." Some people can be deceived forever by lying, some for a few days, but not all can be deceived forever. In the end, honesty wins.

    20. Loyal :

    An Leader should be loyal to all his concerned persons. He should make available the right goods to his customers at the right time, at the right price. The loyalty of the customers should not be disturbed by falling into the tendencies like theft, profiteering, black marketing. He should also remain loyal to his employers, suppliers, other business organizations and the government and try to live up to their expectations.

    21. Other Leadership Traits:

    Apart from the above-mentioned qualities, there are some other qualities as well. They are also required to be in a hero. In them we include the following qualities—

    (i) hard-working, 

    (ii) imaginative, 

    (iii) courageous, 

    (iv) optimistic, 

    (v) dynamic philosophy, 

    (vi) humility, 

    (vii) respectful, 

    (viii) Nirmal, character, 

    (ix) honesty, 

    (x) business ethics, 

    (xi) nationality etc.

    Arjun Singh

    नमस्कार दोस्तो, मेरा नाम अर्जुन सिंह है, मैं अभी बी.कॉम से ग्रेजुएशन कर रहा हूं । मुझे लेख लिखना बहुत पसंद है इसलिय में ये ब्लॉग बनाया है, मेरे ब्लॉग पर आने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद!

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